Ants may be the most industrious little guys in the insect world. There are countless different species and some can be a pretty big problem.
Silverfish in Jacksonville, Tampa, Gainesville, and elsewhere throughout Florida are about 3/4-inch in size and silver or brown in color.
Bed Bugs
After a 60-year absence in the United States, Bed Bugs are back.
Centipedes are long-lived; some have been known to live up to 6 years. Most species feed upon small creatures such as insects.
Where there’s one roach, there’s usually a million more. Check out our extensively creepy collection of cockroaches below.
Fleas have a short lifespan, but during that time more than 400 offspring can be produced.
Most flies like the common Housefly are harmless nuisances at the worst. But there are a few troublemakers out there like the biting Horsefly.
It’s no wonder mosquitoes are the most concern for the public, considering last year was one of the deadliest West Nile virus seasons on record.
Rodents can carry diseases that can be contracted by having contact with their feces, saliva, urine, or bodies, or by being bitten.
Spiders are definitely creepy crawly pests. But the truth is most spiders are nothing like the deadly menaces we see in movies and on TV.
Ticks are tiny arthropods that feed on the blood of their hosts.
Termites are a menace to any homeowner in the State of Florida as well many businesses. While the most common type of termite found doing damage in Florida is the Eastern Subterranean Termite.